Thursday, January 22, 2009

Ward Halloween Party

On October 30th, Chris and I and another couple on the activities committe, Veronica and TJ Morton, threw a Halloween party for our ward.  The theme was "Hollywood Red Carpet", so we asked everyone to come as their favorite Hollywood couple.  Chris and I did Tim and did our Bishop and his wife!!!  We had couples as Mask of Zorro and Catherine Zeta, Posh and Becks, and even...JFK and Marilyn Monroe (a little scandalous).  We had a blast with soup bowls, pinatas, musical chairs, name that tune, bingo, a cupcake contest, and more!

Putting our hands down on the Hollywood walk of fame

Me trying to MC

Some of the decorated cupcakes

Bishop and his wife "Faith"

Here was the set-up before everyone came

1 comment:

Cody and Celeste Veibell said...

Its about time you made a new post! Looks like you guys had a good time. You guys looked awesome!